Japanese lacquer store Watanabe shoten | 漆芸材料専門店 渡邉商店(渡辺商店) | News

Japanese lacquer store Watanabe shoten | 漆芸材料専門店 渡邉商店(渡辺商店) | Store information

Japanese lacquer store Watanabe shoten
6-5-8, Ueno, Taito-ku, Tokyo, 110-0005, Japan
TEL +81-(0)3-3831-3706
FAX +81-(0)3-3831-3500

Japanese lacquer store Watanabe shoten | 漆芸材料専門店 渡邉商店(渡辺商店) | Mail-order sales
You can order many kinds of urushi and tools for lacquer on-line.
- Urushi (lacquer)
- Makie-fude (fine
brushes for Makie) - Hake (flat brushes
for painting) - Rubber rollers
- Tools for makie-
technique - Spatulas
- Pigments
- Kanshitsu-fun
- Metallic leaves
& powder - Mother of pearl
- Same-gawa
- Polishing
materials - Knives
- Sieves
- Powder for ground
- Cloth
- Paper
- Kakishibu
- Other tools
- Wood base
- Books (only in
japanese) - Container